Fiore Sardo D.O.P.

Regional selection: 
Sicilia, Sardegna
Selection by milk: 
Milk Treatment: 
Raw milk
  One of the three D.O.P sheep cheeses from Sardinia, the first versions of Fiore Sardo can be dated back more than 1,000 B.C. during the Bronze Age. Fiore, meaning ‘flower’ is a reference to the historical use of wild thistle flower as rennet, although animal rennet is now used, as well as the likelihood that early producers stamped their wheels with distinct flowers as identification. 
 This Fiore di Sardo is made by Gennargentu, in the highest plateau of central Sardinia where the mountain climate and wild grazing of the sheep adds flavor and complexity to the cheese. The golden brown rind is achieved through smoking for varying lengths of time. The flavor is strong and complex- hints of damp smokey leaves and a sharp nutty finish balanced by the rich oiliness typical of sheep’s milk cheese. 

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